Investing in Our Community’s Future

Your Support Matters

Make Your 2024 Gift to Milwaukee Public Library Foundation

Milwaukee Public Library Foundation is proud to invest in Milwaukee’s anchor institution that continually works to strengthen our community in the critical areas of literacy, opportunity and inspiration. The Foundation funds more than 6,000 programs for 1 million people who visit the library annually. Award-winning lifelong learning programs for families, job seekers, researchers, and reading enthusiasts, as well as enhancements to new library branches for our neighborhoods are examples of how the synergistic public-private partnership between the Milwaukee Public Library and the Milwaukee Public Library Foundation is working to create positive social change.


There Are Many Ways to Support Your Library

Your gift makes a difference and helps Milwaukee Public Library provide the resources your community needs to thrive.

Make a Gift

Your support matters! Whether you wish to make a one-time donation or a recurring donation, any gift (big or small) is deeply appreciated.

Enhance Branches

Support new mixed-use library branches that provide an economic and social boost to our communities' neighborhoods and business districts.

Give Charitable Assets

If you have securities that have appreciated in value, please consider giving those shares to support Milwaukee Public Library Foundation.

Leave a Legacy

Caring citizens who value the positive impact of the Milwaukee Public Library can make a planned gift to support lifelong learning for our community today, and for generations to come.

Donate Used Books

Our partners at Sharehouse Goods will be temporarily accepting donations on behalf of the Friends until the Bookseller operations at Central Library have resumed.

Become a Corporate Sponsor

The Foundation is proud to continue its vision of seeking private-sector support. Become a valued partner of the Milwaukee Public Library through corporate sponsorship.

Make a Gift