We Are The Milwaukee Public Library Foundation
We provide essential support through private contributions for books, materials, programs, and library facilities to ensure the Milwaukee Public Library's continued standing as a great library responsive to community needs.
More than 90% of 5,300 library programs are funded by the Foundation each year.
More than 1.15 million visits each year to MPL, where patrons enjoy programs, services, and resources funded by the Foundation
More than 87,000 patrons attend programs that are funded by the Foundation each year
Programs We Support
Our Impact On The Community
Our Milwaukee Public Libraries are so much more than books in a building. They are neighborhood gathering places, creative makerspaces, teen zones, interactive kids areas, innovation labs, and podcast recording studios.
Libraries are the heart of our community.

Become a Part of Something Bigger Than Yourself
MPL Foundation is proud to invest in our Milwaukee Public Libraries, working to strengthen our community in the critical areas of literacy, opportunity, and inspiration.

Empower and inspire our community by making a gift to Milwaukee Public Library Foundation.

Support new library branches that provide an economic and social boost in our communities.

Become a valued partner of MPL Foundation and recognize the library’s importance in the community.
Corporate Sponsors

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